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Chef Zhu is the only Chinese restaurant in San Diego that serves authentic Shanghainese cuisine, as well as classic American Chinese cuisine.
As early as 1999, we opened the first Shanghai restaurant "Shanghai city" in the Convoy area of San Diego. The business has been booming and became well-known in San Diego. Later, another Shanghai Chinese restaurant was opened on the beach in Del Mar, which earned a good reputation and a Chinese and American customer base! However, due to the pandemic, the restaurant was shut down, there are still many customers who miss our restaurant very much!
The owner, Master Zhu, graduated from a cooking school in Shanghai at the age of 20, and has been in the industry for almost 40 years! Adhering to the inheritance and love of Shanghai cuisine, he opened a new restaurant near the Camino Del Sur and named it Chef Zhu. In addition to American Chinese cuisine, guests can also enjoy emerging Shanghai dishes, traditional local dishes, and famous Shanghai specialty gourmet, which are delicious! We hope to become the inheritance of Shanghai cuisine in San Diego, make more Americans know and love Shanghai cuisine, and truly make Chinese food a well-known brand in San Diego!
Chef Zhu餐馆是圣地亚哥唯一一家经营正宗上海菜的中餐馆,同时也经营经典的美式中餐。早在1999年开始就在圣地亚哥Convoy地区开了第一家上海餐厅“Shanghai city”, 生意一直红火,在圣地亚哥非常有知名度。后来在Del Mar海边又开了一家上海中餐厅,拥有很好的口碑和中、美客户群体!因为疫情原因将餐馆转让,但是仍旧有非常多的客人很想念我们的餐馆!
老板朱师傅从20岁就从上海专科的烹饪学校毕业,至今从事烹饪事业已经快40年了!他秉承着对上海菜的传承和热爱在居住人口集中的Camino Del Sur附近开了新的这家餐厅,英文名字叫Chef Zhu,中文名字是老正兴!在这里,除了美式美食,客人还可以享受到新兴的上海菜,和传统的本帮菜,更有上海知名点心,美味可口!我们希望能够成为圣地牙哥上海菜的传承,让更多美国人也了解喜欢上海菜,把中国美食真正做到圣地亚哥的知名品牌!

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